Phòng 307, tòa nhà EVD, 431 phố Tam Trinh, quận Hoàng Mai, TP Hà Nội, Việt Nam +842 436 368 645 / 098888 2513


Power monitoring for the factory, managing power for efficient use of energy, helping to save energy resources against climate change for a clean green environment, for the future


Power monitoring for the factory

Managing electricity for efficient use of energy, saving energy resources against climate change for a clean green environment, for the future:
- Power management system helps managers assess electricity consumption to realize cost and energy savings.
- The power management system helps to monitor the quality of the power source to reduce risk.
- An accurate diagnostic tool to minimize downtime of devices and machines.
- Help improve the reliability and continuity of the system.
- Improve the operational efficiency of the system to reduce production costs.




Thanks to advanced manufacturing technology, digital meters help managers to copy and measure important parameters of power sources in factories and factories accurately. From the collected data, managers can turn it into reports, conduct surveys on power quality, manage costs for electricity in the most reasonable way, and carry out economical projects. to optimize production.



Solution of conventional power management system