Phòng 307, tòa nhà EVD, 431 phố Tam Trinh, quận Hoàng Mai, TP Hà Nội, Việt Nam +842 436 368 645 / 098888 2513


Quality of goods, quality of personnel and service quality


Quality of goods: We use the best materials to create the best products & solutions.

- Complying with the processes and regulations, gradually applying scientific and technical advances, advanced technologies in production and management work.

- Strengthening to learn, absorb ideas, resolve all complaints and meeting the requirements of customers satisfactorily.


Quality of personnel: Our staff includes designer and researcher with years of experience.

- The company organizes training sessions regularly, train and exchange knowledge to improve capacity.

- Ensuring the Company's quality policies are communicated and understood to each department and staff.

- And often inform for employees to raise awareness of environmental protection.At the same time,  attend actively social activities with the community for a green - clean - beautiful environment, commit not to destroy the environment for economic benefits, towards the goal of sustainable development.


Service quality: With enthusiastic and experienced staff, we always provide satisfaction for customers with the best service.